How to win a DUI case. Part 1: Get this type of lawyer
- In this article, I will take you through the type of lawyer you need to win a DUI case.
- DUI is a serious charge with devastating and potentially life-changing consequences
- You have ONE shot to fight the charge. So your choice of a lawyer is really important.
- In Ontario, you can hire ANY criminal lawyer to fight your DUI.
- But what’s key is NOT to hire ANY criminal lawyer. But to hire a criminal lawyer with specific and deep experience in fighting DUIs.
- Here are 3 reasons why.
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1/ DUI charges are different than other criminal charges- The laws regarding DUIs go very deep.
- To give you perspective, there are less than 20 pages in the Criminal Code of Canada devoted to murder. Compare that to DUIs, which have more than 60 pages.
- That is a lot of law to keep on top of.
- So you want a lawyer that knows those 60 pages of law well. Not a lawyer that spreads themselves over many different areas of criminal law.
2/ DUI case law matters. A lot. Here’s why.- As I just mentioned, there are more than 60 pages in the Criminal Code of Canada devoted to DUIs.
- And over time, those laws get tested.
- What happens when DUI lawyers challenge the meaning of those laws. Then judges make decisions on those laws. And those decisions create more law.
- Sounds confusing, right?
- Well, it is. And that’s the point.
- There’s a lot of moving parts with DUI laws. And only so many hours in the day. That’s why you want someone with a lot of experience, specifically in DUI law.
3/ Winning DUI is about the nuance (here’s what that means)- Nuance is a subtle difference. And, many DUI cases are won or lost depending on nuance.
- Let me give you an example of nuance.
- Let’s say you’re speaking with a painting expert from a world-class museum. They’re not just any painting expert, but a colour expert.
- That expert may hold up 2 examples of colour, say “Navy Blue.”
- I would look at those 2 examples and say, “they are the same; they are both ‘navy blue.”
- However, that colour expert would disagree. That colour expert said one is “navy blue,” and the other is “light navy blue.”
- The slight difference between “light navy blue” and “navy blue” – a distinction that an untrained eye can’t see – is an example of nuance.
- Now, that concept of nuance is often key to winning DUI cases.
- Because DUI laws are complex, a general criminal lawyer may not see the nuance in the evidence and law.
- In other words, they won’t be able to see the difference between the “navy blue” and the “light navy blue.”
- And that difference – however small – may make the difference between winning your DUI case or not.
- As I just mentioned, there are more than 60 pages in the Criminal Code of Canada devoted to DUIs.
- And over time, those laws get tested.
- What happens when DUI lawyers challenge the meaning of those laws. Then judges make decisions on those laws. And those decisions create more law.
- Sounds confusing, right?
- Well, it is. And that’s the point.
- There’s a lot of moving parts with DUI laws. And only so many hours in the day. That’s why you want someone with a lot of experience, specifically in DUI law.
3/ Winning DUI is about the nuance (here’s what that means)- Nuance is a subtle difference. And, many DUI cases are won or lost depending on nuance.
- Let me give you an example of nuance.
- Let’s say you’re speaking with a painting expert from a world-class museum. They’re not just any painting expert, but a colour expert.
- That expert may hold up 2 examples of colour, say “Navy Blue.”
- I would look at those 2 examples and say, “they are the same; they are both ‘navy blue.”
- However, that colour expert would disagree. That colour expert said one is “navy blue,” and the other is “light navy blue.”
- The slight difference between “light navy blue” and “navy blue” – a distinction that an untrained eye can’t see – is an example of nuance.
- Now, that concept of nuance is often key to winning DUI cases.
- Because DUI laws are complex, a general criminal lawyer may not see the nuance in the evidence and law.
- In other words, they won’t be able to see the difference between the “navy blue” and the “light navy blue.”
- And that difference – however small – may make the difference between winning your DUI case or not.
So bottom line. Hire a lawyer with expertise in fighting and winning DUI cases.
What type of lawyer should I get to help me win a DUI case in Ontario?
To give yourself the best chance of winning a DUI case in Ontario, it is important to hire a knowledgeable DUI lawyer. This type of lawyer will have specific expertise and experience in handling DUI cases and will be able to provide you with the most effective representation. A DUI lawyer will also be able to guide you through the legal process, help you build a strong defence, and work to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.
What are the benefits of hiring a knowledgeable DUI lawyer for my case?
Hiring a knowledgeable DUI lawyer for your case has several benefits. First and foremost, a DUI lawyer will be able to provide you with the most effective representation possible, giving you the best chance of winning your case. Additionally, a DUI lawyer will be able to guide you through the legal process, advise you on your rights and obligations, and help you build a strong defence. By hiring a knowledgeable DUI lawyer, you can increase your chances of achieving the best possible outcome for your case.