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how win a DUI in Ontario -Get this lawyer

How to win a DUI case – Part 1 – Get this type of lawyer

How to win a DUI case.  Part 1: Get this type of lawyer


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1/ DUI charges are different than other criminal charges

2/ DUI case law matters. A lot. Here’s why.

  • As I just mentioned, there are more than 60 pages in the Criminal Code of Canada devoted to DUIs.
  • And over time, those laws get tested.  
  • What happens when DUI lawyers challenge the meaning of those laws. Then judges make decisions on those laws. And those decisions create more law.
  • Sounds confusing, right?
  • Well, it is. And that’s the point.   
  • There’s a lot of moving parts with DUI laws. And only so many hours in the day. That’s why you want someone with a lot of experience, specifically in DUI law.

3/ Winning DUI is about the nuance (here’s what that means)

  • Nuance is a subtle difference. And, many DUI cases are won or lost depending on nuance.  
  • Let me give you an example of nuance.
  • Let’s say you’re speaking with a painting expert from a world-class museum. They’re not just any painting expert, but a colour expert.
  • That expert may hold up 2 examples of colour, say “Navy Blue.”
  • I would look at those 2 examples and say, “they are the same; they are both ‘navy blue.”
  • However, that colour expert would disagree. That colour expert said one is “navy blue,” and the other is “light navy blue.”  
  • The slight difference between “light navy blue” and “navy blue” – a distinction that an untrained eye can’t see – is an example of nuance.
  • Now, that concept of nuance is often key to winning DUI cases.  
  • Because DUI laws are complex, a general criminal lawyer may not see the nuance in the evidence and law.  
  • In other words, they won’t be able to see the difference between the “navy blue” and the “light navy blue.”
  • And that difference – however small – may make the difference between winning your DUI case or not.

So bottom line. Hire a lawyer with expertise in fighting and winning DUI cases.

What type of lawyer should I get to help me win a DUI case in Ontario?

To give yourself the best chance of winning a DUI case in Ontario, it is important to hire a knowledgeable DUI lawyer. This type of lawyer will have specific expertise and experience in handling DUI cases and will be able to provide you with the most effective representation. A DUI lawyer will also be able to guide you through the legal process, help you build a strong defence, and work to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

What are the benefits of hiring a knowledgeable DUI lawyer for my case?

Hiring a knowledgeable DUI lawyer for your case has several benefits. First and foremost, a DUI lawyer will be able to provide you with the most effective representation possible, giving you the best chance of winning your case. Additionally, a DUI lawyer will be able to guide you through the legal process, advise you on your rights and obligations, and help you build a strong defence. By hiring a knowledgeable DUI lawyer, you can increase your chances of achieving the best possible outcome for your case.

The Ontario DUI Arrest Test

The 60-Second Ontario DUI Arrest Test assesses the nature of the arrest in order to determine if your charges may get withdrawn.

Do You Want to Keep Driving?
Dan Joffe, lawyer, partner Nextlaw Ontario

My team uses forensic analysis to determine whether your Charter rights were violated. If you have been charged with DUI, book a free call that can change everything

Do you want to avoid a DUI Charge?

My team uses forensic analysis to determine whether your Charter rights were violated. If you have been charged with DUI, book a free call that can change everything

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About Dan Joffe, Partner

Daniel holds a JD (LLB) / MBA from Osgoode Hall Law School & the Schulich School of Business at York University, Toronto. Dan is a licensed lawyer in the Province of Ontario.

The Ontario DUI Arrest Test™

The 60-Second Ontario DUI Arrest Test assesses the nature of the arrest in order to determine if your charges may get withdrawn.

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