Getting charged with Stunt Driving in Ontario is a very upsetting and frustrating experience. Aside from the two weeks car impound, you now have a 30-day license suspension. This means your license was taken at the roadside, and you absolutely cannot drive for a period of 30-days.
My firm,, gets a lot of inquiries about how to get your license back after the 30 days So I have compiled this series of “helpful ways” to get back your license and deal with the Ministry or Service Ontario.
Call Service Ontario
A few days before your license comes out of suspension (possibly day 20 – 26) call Service Ontario They are very well equipped to handle this matter, as it is common for them. They will guide you through setting up an appointment at your local service Ontario for your to end the 30-day license suspension. You will most likely have to visit a branch, where they will print you a temporary license, and mail you a new license to your registered address.
Is there a cost to get back my license?
There shouldn’t be a cost for this. A stunt driving roadside suspension is an administrative suspension, and comes out of suspension after the set time period (30-days) with no financial penalty. Just make sure you visit Service Ontario and watch with your own eyes and hear with your own ears that your license is out of suspension.
How can I be 100% sure that my license is out of suspension.
The good news is that Service Ontario provides a free tool that checks the status of your license. You can visit here:
Make sure to use this tool immediately after visiting Service Ontario and getting confirmation that you are out of suspension.
How does this impact my driving record?
At this point, it does not really impact your driving record, because you have not been “convicted” of anything yet. However, you may want to get a copy of your driving record, so you can have an idea of how the Prosecutor is going to see your file when you get to court or get your evidence. There is another tool by Service Ontario that allows you to get a copy of your record for a small fee:
This is a good idea, so you are better prepared if you are hiring a stunt driving law firm or speaking to a prosecutor.
What is the consequence of being charged with stunt driving in Ontario?
If you are charged with stunt driving in Ontario, you will face a 30-day license suspension by Service Ontario, in addition to other penalties such as fines and insurance rate increases.
Can I contest a 30-day license suspension for stunt driving in Ontario?
Yes, you have the right to contest a 30-day license suspension for stunt driving in Ontario. You may be able to appeal the suspension with the help of a qualified traffic ticket defence lawyer. Your lawyer can review the evidence and help you build a strong defence case to contest the suspension.