Are you worried about how a stunt driving charge in Ontario might affect your insurance? It’s a common concern, but understanding the basics can ease your worries. Remember, every case is unique, so consider consulting legal experts for personalized advice.
What Happens to Your Insurance After a Stunt Driving Charge?
Here’s some reassuring news: initially, nothing changes with your insurance after a stunt driving charge. Why? Because a charge is not a conviction. In Ontario, the law operates on the principle of innocence until proven guilty. This means your insurance status remains unchanged until the court’s decision. During this period, you can continue driving as usual, with your insurance rates likely staying the same.
The Impact of a Stunt Driving Conviction on Insurance
The real change occurs if you’re convicted of stunt driving. Post-conviction, expect significant changes. Firstly, there’s a mandatory minimum suspension of your driving license for one year. During this period, you won’t need insurance because you can’t drive. However, it’s crucial to understand the long-term implications.
Insurance Challenges Post-Suspension
After serving your suspension (which could be 1-3 years), the challenge lies in obtaining insurance again. A stunt driving conviction marks your record, often leading insurance companies to categorize you as a high-risk driver. This could mean exorbitant insurance fees or, in many cases, a complete denial of insurance coverage.
Preventive Measures and Legal Assistance
The best way to prevent these consequences is to seek legal advice, especially from firms specializing in stunt driving cases. They can help devise a strategy to potentially avoid license suspension and the ensuing insurance complications.
So what now? Stunt Driving and Insurance in Ontario
In summary, a stunt driving charge in Ontario doesn’t immediately affect your insurance, but a conviction does. Understanding this distinction is crucial. If faced with such a charge, promptly seeking legal guidance is your best course of action to mitigate potential impacts on your driving privileges and insurance.
Does a Stunt Driving Charge Affect My Insurance?
Initially, a stunt driving charge in Ontario doesn't impact your insurance as it's not a conviction. Your insurance remains unchanged until a court decision is made, allowing you to continue driving with current rates.
What Happens to Insurance After Stunt Driving Conviction?
A stunt driving conviction in Ontario leads to significant insurance changes. Post-conviction, you'll face a mandatory license suspension for at least a year, during which insurance is unnecessary. Post-suspension, obtaining insurance can be challenging due to the high-risk driver label.