Stunt Driving Court: Cornwall
Nestled along the Saint Lawrence River, Cornwall, Ontario, is a city where road safety is prioritized and stunt driving is strongly condemned. These offences, such as surpassing the speed limit by 50km/h or executing hazardous manoeuvres, are thoroughly enforced, particularly along Highways 401, 138, and secondary roads like Brookdale Avenue, Pitt Street, and Ninth Street East. Given Cornwall’s strict approach to traffic safety, it is essential to practice mindful driving. When planning your trip through this beautiful city, please maintain caution and strictly adhere to the local road rules to ensure a seamless journey.

Cornwall Provincial Offences Court
ICON code 3960
26 Pitt Street, Suite 308
Cornwall, K6J 3P2
Useful links in Cornwall, Ontario:
City of Cornwall Departments
Clerk Services
ServiceOntario Brookdale and Fourteenth (Cornwall)
Service Canada Cornwall
Cornwall Service Canada Centre
How is Stunt Driving defined in Cornwall, Ontario?
Stunt Driving in Cornwall, Ontario, typically involves serious infractions like exceeding the speed limit by 50km/h or performing dangerous manoeuvres on the road. The city maintains active traffic enforcement to discourage such behaviour.
What are the common areas for Stunt Driving charges in Cornwall, Ontario?
In Cornwall, Highways 401 and 138, along with city roads such as Brookdale Avenue, Pitt Street, and Ninth Street East, are typically associated with Stunt Driving charges. These roads, due to their spacious layouts, often become hotspots for such traffic violations.