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No Insurance ticket / charges in Ontario - Lesson 3 - Police interaction

No Insurance Ticket Ontario – Lesson 3 – Police Interaction

No Insurance ticket / charges in Ontario – Lesson 3 – Police interaction
  • This article is based on a very important topic regarding a No insurance ticket / charges in ontario and how to fix or help the issue before your court appearance.

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My firm,, defends 100’s of No Insurance clients each year, which means we we field much more than that in phone calls.  From all of those call, I have compiled some of the questions and confusion that arises at the roadside when you are first being charged with No Insurance in Ontario

First, understand the basics of the law and how the law “sees” your No Insurance charge

Put simply, the Province ONLY needs to prove that you did not have a valid insurance policy at the time that the officer stopped you at the roadside.  It’s that simple. Period.  Everything other than that is generally secondary to that burden of proof.

A common concern about when you were pulled over for No Insurance – “How does the way that I interacted with the officer affect my case?”

It can actually have a big impact on your case.  The way in which you interact with the officer is recorded in the officer’s notes at the roadside, and then submitted later to the courts in the form of “disclosure” or evidence.  The evidence has all the information about your roadside charge

  1. The status of your insurance policy at the time of the charge
  2. officer interaction
  3. all other details of the charge

I didn’t believe my policy was cancelled.  Something was wrong.

Arguing with the officer at the roadside as ZERO benefit.  Once the officer determines that you did not have a valid insurance policy, they have authority to charge you with the $5,000 fine.  Arguing does not change this.  They simply issue the ticket, and then will have to submit all this information later to the courts in the form of disclosure.  So arguing does not make the charge go away.  In fact, it makes the charge worse.  The prosecutor, who will later see your disclosure and the officer’s notes, is the person that will be dealing with your case in court.  If they see that you had a bad interaction, it may make your case harder to settle.  Remember, the prosecutor has a lot of power, and once they have disclosure, they assess your case based on a number of factors, including this interaction with the Police

Tips for interaction with the officer at the roadside

As frustrating a this charge may be – and it is quite devastating in the moment – with a massive fine of $5,000 – there are a few rules to follow with Police that may benefit, or at least, not hurt, your case once you get to court:

  • Do not get angry with the officer
  • Follow the directions of the officer
  • Ask any questions in a calm tone
  • Do not question the motives or results of the officer or your insurance policy – save that for a later date

So that’s it?  There’s nothing I can do?  I have to pay $6,250?

Absolutely not!  Just because you have been charged with No Insurance, it does not mean that you will be convicted of No Insurance or have a $6,250 fine.  The charge is just the beginning of the legal process. 

Now it’s time to get some legal advice and proceed carefully.  While No Insurance may seem like a “traffic” charge that many people may not take seriously, think more about how you would function if you had to pay $6,250 or more out of your bank account.

That’s how serious this charge can be if not dealt with properly…

This is not an article to get your business.  Rather, it is an article to get you to reach out and get free legal advice.  A proper law firm (that specializes in No Insurance) may have a strategy and legal course of action that could prevent these huge fines.  And best of all, this call is free. 

You can scroll down below and book a free meeting with Dan Joffe or myself, Jon Cohen.  There is no obligation, but the call could change everything.

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Jonathan earned an Honours BA in Mass Communications and Political Science from York University, Toronto.  He is licensed by the Law Society of Ontario.

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