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fighting a no insurance ticket in ontario

Fighting No Insurance ticket in Ontario

No Insurance ticket / charges in Ontario – Fighting your ticket
  • This article is based on a very important topic regarding a No insurance ticket / charges in ontario and how to fight the charge at your court appearance.


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My firm,, defends 100’s of No Insurance clients each year, which means we we field much more than that in phone calls.  From all of those call, I have compiled some information on how to fight your charge during the court process.

First, understand the basics of the law and how the law “sees” your No Insurance charge

Put simply, the Province ONLY needs to prove that you did not have a valid insurance policy at the time that the officer stopped you at the roadside.  It’s that simple. Period.  Everything other than that is generally secondary to that burden of proof.

So if I didn’t have insurance, how can I possible fight my ticket?

You can’t really fight the ticket to make it go away, because essentially, if you didn’t have insurance, then you are legally guilty of the charge.   Rather, you are fighting the penalty – specifically the $5,000 charge (plus court costs for a total of $6,250)

Can you tell me the ways to fight the penalty?

AIt all comes down to something called “submissions”, which is your story.  Telling this story to the Justice of the Peace properly, may help you reduce your financial penalty.  You would have to convey exceptional circumstances to the Justice of the Peace, after pleading guilty, in order to convince them to reduce that $5,000 fine.

The problem is the following:

  1. You have to plead guilty to the charge in order to get the fine reduced.  You cannot get an “early” look at what the fine will be in order to make a decision to plead guilty.  This means that once you plead guilty, it is very difficult to retract this action
  2. You are now at the mercy of the Justice of the Peace.  They exclusively can reduce or not reduce your fine.  If you do convince them with the important aspects of your submissions, you will be found guilty of the full fine, and there is nothing you can do to turn back time

So that’s it?  There’s nothing I can do?  I have to pay $6,250?

Absolutely not!  Just because you have been charged with No Insurance, it does not mean that you will be convicted of No Insurance or have a $6,250 fine.  Now it’s time to get some legal advice and proceed carefully.  Get free legal advice.  A proper law firm (that specializes in No Insurance) may have a strategy and legal course of action that could prevent these huge fines.  And best of all, this call is free. 

You can scroll down below and book a free meeting with Dan Joffe or myself, Jon Cohen.  There is no obligation, but the call could change everything.

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Jon Cohen, Partner

Jonathan earned an Honours BA in Mass Communications and Political Science from York University, Toronto.  He is licensed by the Law Society of Ontario.

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