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what is considered stunt driving in ontario

What is considered Stunt Driving in Ontario?

Stunt driving is considered to be any of the following action under Section 172 of the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario:.

  • Speeding above 40 km/h in on a road with a posted speed limit of under 80 km/h
  • Speeding above 50 km/h on a posted road with a speed limit of 80 km/h or more
  • The act of excessive speeding, street racing, contests and engaging in dangerous driving practices in a motor vehicle on an Ontario road or highway
  • Driving at a speed of 150 km/h or more (regardless if the Highway is a 110 km/h)
  • Tire squealing, burnouts, or driving with the intention to cause some or all tires to lose traction.
  • Cutting off another driver intentionally or driving too closely.
  • Doing doughnuts, drifting, or driving a vehicle with the intention to spin.
  • Not allowing other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians to pass, change directions, or have the right of way.
  • Driving your vehicle while not in the driver’s seat (known as ghost riding the whip).
  • Driving with a person in the trunk of your vehicle or an extra seat
  • Driving without regard for road conditions and driving circumstances.
  • Popping wheelies or driving with the intention to lift some or all your tires from the surface.

What are some of the immediate roadside penalties for Stunt Driving in Ontario?

  1. Immediate 30-day license suspension
  2. Immediate 14-day car tow and impound of your vehicle
  3. Funds to get your car out of impound
  4. Inability to drive for work or family

What are the penalties upon conviction for a Stunt Driving charge in Ontario?

  1. Fines of $2,000 and up to $10,000 plus additional court costs
  2. Potential jail time of up to 6 months
  3. 1 – 3 years mandatory license suspension for a first offence
  4. 6 demerit points with the Ministry of Transportation
  5. Possible Probation assigned by the Provincial Offences court
  6. A mandatory Driver Improvement course
  7. Risk of being classified as a “High Risk driver” by Insurance companies long after the Stunt Driving conviction

Why are the Stunt Driving laws so harsh?

Simple answer? Since the beginning of quarantine and self-isolation due to COVID-19, Toronto police report a 200% increase in stunt driving, compared to the same timeframe in 2019.  The lawmakers acted quickly to amend the Stunt Driving laws, increasing the penalties.

What can I do about my Stunt Driving charge?

My suggestion? Reach out and get free legal advice.  Our law firm,, specializes in Stunt Driving and will help develop a strategy and legal course of action that could prevent this license suspension.  And best of all, this call is free. 

You can scroll down below and book a free meeting with Dan Joffe or myself, Jon Cohen.  There is no obligation, but the call could change everything.

What is considered Stunt Driving in Ontario?

Stunt driving in Ontario is defined as excessive speeding, street racing, dangerous driving practices, driving at 150 km/h or more, tire squealing, burnouts, cutting off another driver, doing doughnuts, drifting, not allowing other vehicles to pass, ghost riding, driving with someone in the trunk, driving without regard for road conditions, and popping wheelies.

What are the penalties for being convicted of Stunt Driving in Ontario?

Upon conviction for Stunt Driving in Ontario, fines of $2,000 to $10,000 plus court costs may be imposed, jail time of up to 6 months, a mandatory license suspension for 1-3 years for a first offence, 6 demerit points with the Ministry of Transportation, and possible probation assigned by the Provincial Offences court.

Ontario’s Stunt Driving Penalty Calculator
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About Jon Cohen, Partner

Jonathan practices exclusively in defending Stunt Driving charges in Ontario.  He is the co-founding partner of Nextlaw and is licensed by the Law Society of Ontario.

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