You have very serious concerns after being charged with Stunt Driving. These concerns are about the charges and if this will affect your Work permit, Student Visa or your immigration status in Ontario. These concerns are valid. After reading about Stunt Driving, you have seen such penalties as imprisonment. Let’s investigate.
If I am convicted of Stunt Driving, will I get a criminal record?
I have said this in many of my other videos and articles. The good news is that the answer is “NO” – you will not get a criminal record with a Stunt Driving conviction. Even in a worst case scenario, if you get a term of imprisonment, the penalty falls under the Provincial Offences Act of Ontario, and NOT the criminal code..
How will a Stunt Driving charge affect my work permit or immigration status or Student Visa?
A Stunt Driving conviction should not have any direct impact on your work permit, student visa or immigration status. However, it most certainly will have an indirect effect. If you are convicted of Stunt Driving in Ontario, you will get a minimum 1-year drivers license suspension. This will most likely affect your ability to keep a job with a workers permit, or get to school with a Student Visa. So, for those reasons, it will impact your ability to function on a day-to-day basis.
How can I keep this off my record?
Answer? Get legal help. If you are in Ontario for the sole purpose of work or being a student, it is important that you focus on your job or your school. A proper Stunt Driving defence can help minimize the severe impact of a Stunt Driving charges such as lower fines or keeping your license. The potential penalties for a failure to defend your case will have results that will destroy your ability to function, take care of your family, or earn an income. So although it will not affect your actual immigration status, student visa or workers permit, Stunt Driving will affect your life for many years in Ontario. Get the help you need.
How will a Stunt Driving charge affect my work permit or student visa status?
While a Stunt Driving conviction will not have a direct impact on your work permit or student visa status, it can have indirect consequences. A minimum 1-year license suspension may impact your ability to work or attend school, and therefore affect your ability to function on a day-to-day basis.
Can I keep the Stunt Driving charge off my record?
Yes, you can potentially keep the Stunt Driving charge off your record by seeking legal help. A proper Stunt Driving defence can help minimize the impact of the charges and prevent consequences that can affect your ability to work, take care of your family, or earn an income.