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DUI Lawyer Secret Hidden Risk

DUI Lawyer Secret: Hidden Risks in Plea Deals

If you’re facing a DUI charge in Ontario and the Crown offers you a plea deal, you might be tempted to accept it without consulting a lawyer. However, in this blog post, I’m going to share a crucial DUI lawyer secret: the hidden risks lurking in plea deals that could cost you more than you ever imagined. And, I’ll explain how a skilled DUI lawyer could save you from these life-altering consequences.

DUI Plea Deals: Not Always a Bargain

You might be tempted to accept a plea deal for your DUI charge that seems favorable, such as a reduction to a non-criminal Careless Driving charge or a guilty plea with no jail time. However, these “good” deals may come with hidden costs that could haunt you for years.

For example, pleading guilty to Careless Driving may spare you from a criminal record, but insurance companies often place you in a high-risk category similar to a DUI conviction. This could result in thousands of dollars in increased insurance premiums. Is that really a good deal?

DUI Lawyer Skills: Finding Hidden Opportunities

Here’s where a skilled DUI lawyer can make a significant difference. A good DUI lawyer will meticulously review the evidence in your case, looking for technical issues, Charter rights violations, or other problems that could raise serious doubts about the crown’s case.

The Crown’s job isn’t to point out these issues to you. They may offer a plea deal knowing there are weaknesses in their case. A good DUI lawyer can identify these problems and bring them to the Crown’s attention, potentially resulting in your charges being completely withdrawn. That means a clean record and no skyrocketing insurance premiums.

DUI Lawyers: Negotiating the Best Outcome

Even if you’re offered a plea deal with no jail time or the ability to drive sooner with an interlock device, a good DUI lawyer may be able to negotiate an even better outcome. By finding question marks in the evidence, your lawyer could persuade the Crown to drop the charges to a non-criminal offense or even have them dismissed altogether.

While it’s possible that a DUI lawyer may not be able to improve upon the deal you’ve been offered, the potential upside is tremendous. The difference between a criminal record and a clean slate, or between thousands in increased insurance costs and no hikes at all, is well worth the investment in experienced DUI legal representation.

DUI Charge: Don’t Gamble with Your Future

When facing a DUI charge, don’t gamble with your future by accepting a plea deal without consulting a DUI lawyer. The short-term savings could lead to long-term financial and personal consequences that far outweigh the cost of hiring a lawyer.

What are the hidden risks of accepting a DUI plea deal without consulting a lawyer?

Accepting a DUI plea deal without consulting a lawyer can lead to hidden costs, such as increased insurance premiums, that can amount to thousands of dollars over time. Pleading guilty to a reduced charge like Careless Driving may still result in being placed in a high-risk insurance category similar to a DUI conviction.

How can a DUI lawyer help negotiate a better outcome for a DUI charge?

A skilled DUI lawyer can meticulously review the evidence in your case, identifying technical issues, Charter rights violations, or other problems that could raise doubts about the Crown's case. By bringing these issues to the Crown's attention, a DUI lawyer may be able to have your charges withdrawn, dropped to a non-criminal offense, or dismissed altogether, potentially saving you from a criminal record and increased insurance costs.

The Ontario DUI Arrest Test

The 60-Second Ontario DUI Arrest Test assesses the nature of the arrest in order to determine if your charges may get withdrawn.

Do You Want to Keep Driving?
Dan Joffe, lawyer, partner Nextlaw Ontario

My team uses forensic analysis to determine whether your Charter rights were violated. If you have been charged with DUI, book a free call that can change everything

Do you want to avoid a DUI Charge?

My team uses forensic analysis to determine whether your Charter rights were violated. If you have been charged with DUI, book a free call that can change everything

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About Dan Joffe, Partner

Daniel holds a JD (LLB) / MBA from Osgoode Hall Law School & the Schulich School of Business at York University, Toronto. Dan is a licensed lawyer in the Province of Ontario.

The Ontario DUI Arrest Test™

The 60-Second Ontario DUI Arrest Test assesses the nature of the arrest in order to determine if your charges may get withdrawn.

DUI / Impaired Articles
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