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Understanding the Impact of Other Speeding Cars on Your Stunt Driving Charge

Understanding Stunt Driving Charges: Your Legal Guide

Are you puzzled about why you’ve been singled out for a stunt driving charge when you were merely keeping pace with the traffic flow? You’re not alone. Many of our clients express similar frustrations:

  • “Why did they pick me instead of the driver in front of me?”
  • “How can I be sure the radar was targeting my car and not someone else’s?”
  • “But I’m a law-abiding citizen!”

While these concerns seem rational, the reality is that the law doesn’t pay much attention to the speeds of other cars. If you were clocked at a stunt driving speed, that’s usually sufficient for conviction.

How can I be sure the radar was targeting my car and not someone else for stunt driving in Ontario


Stunt Driving: A Matter of Individual Responsibility

When it comes to stunt driving, the legal focus is on your speed, not others. The fact that numerous other cars may have been moving at similar speeds doesn’t negate your speed violation.

Let’s break it down. Legally, the primary task is proving that you were exceeding the stunt driving speed limit. Regardless of how many others were doing the same, the law still determines that you were in violation. Yes, it might seem “unfair” that you were singled out. But in the eyes of the law, you were still operating at a speed classified as stunt driving.

Gathering Evidence: The Officer’s Role

An officer typically compiles all relevant details regarding your alleged stunt driving – such as the radar readings, location, and other circumstances. This information, known as the Disclosure, is submitted to the court as evidence within a month or so of your charge.

What Next? Facing Stunt Driving Charges

Does this mean you’ve no options left if you’re charged with stunt driving? That your license is destined for a 1-3 year suspension? Absolutely not!

Being charged with stunt driving is just the starting point of the legal process. Although it’s an intimidating beginning (including a 14-day car impound and a 30-day license suspension), there’s still a legal journey ahead before your court date.

The gravity of a stunt driving charge shouldn’t be underestimated. It’s more than a “traffic” offence, especially when considering the potential impact on your daily life. Consider the potential repercussions:

  • Job loss
  • Inability to attend job interviews
  • Difficulty managing family responsibilities
  • No transport in case of emergencies

Indeed, the consequences of this charge, if not handled correctly, can be severe.

The Value of Legal Advice: Seeking Expert Counsel

The goal of this article is not to drum up business, but to emphasize the importance of free legal advice in navigating these charges. A law firm experienced in stunt driving cases may have strategies to prevent your license suspension. And the good news? Your initial consultation is free.

Take the first step towards changing the outcome of your situation by scheduling a no-obligation consultation with legal experts Dan Joffe or Jon Cohen. Your future driving record might just thank you.

What is the MOMS Act in Ontario and how does it relate to stunt driving?

The MOMS Act, or the Moving Ontarians More Safely act, is a new law in Ontario that aims to address stunt driving on the roads. Under this act, the province only needs to prove that the defendant was driving above the speed limit in order to convict them of stunt driving.

What should I do if I have been charged with stunt driving in Ontario?

If you have been charged with stunt driving in Ontario, it is important to seek legal advice from a law firm that specializes in stunt driving cases. A proper law firm may have a strategy and legal course of action that could prevent your license suspension. You can book a free meeting with a legal expert to discuss your case and understand your options.

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About Jon Cohen, Partner

Jonathan practices exclusively in defending Stunt Driving charges in Ontario.  He is the co-founding partner of Nextlaw and is licensed by the Law Society of Ontario.

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