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stunt driving legal help in ontario - always ask how

Hiring legal help for Stunt Driving charges in Ontario – Always ask How

The most important questions you can ask when looking for legal help for your Ontario Stunt Driving charges is “HOW” . “How” is the best test for the legal representative on the other side of the phone.  In this article and video, I will explain exactly how to get the best answers out of your potential legal representative.

Stunt Driving is a very specific charge in Ontario – it takes a real strategy

Even though Stunt Driving is technically a “traffic charge” that resides in the jurisdiction of Provincial Offences traffic court, it has much higher penalties than most other charges.  With a Stunt charge, you run the risk of up to $10,000 in fines, 6 months in jail, and a minimum of 1 year driving suspension.  It’s a serious charge that can pull apart your life, your job, your family.

When you call a generic “Traffic Ticket” firm or an “ex-cop” firm, they handle charges starting from basic 10km speeding tickets, stop sign tickets, and other minor charges.  These charges are very different than a Stunt Driving charge, because these types of charges have a maximum of smaller fines and possibly some demerit points.  The worst result is a rise in insurance rates.  But you will continue to drive.  Your day-to-day life will continue to function.

Stunt Driving Penalties will unravel your day-to-day life

If you are convicted of a Stunt Driving charge, even at a minimum, you will not be able to drive for a year or more.

The point is to tell you that the strategy for a Stunt Driving defence is very different than the strategy of a basic speeding ticket.  They are not the same, and should not be treated even in the same class of offence.    Let’s start with some basic generic answers you get from these Traffic Ticket defence firms:

“Yeah, we’re gonna take it to trial and fight this charge”

Sounds great, right?  Just like a TV show.  WRONG.  If you fight this type of charge at a trial, you either win or lose.  There is no middle ground.  This means that if the radar is accurate, and a Justice of the Peace disagrees with your arguments, you are no longer driving for a year or more.  There has to be a fatal flaw in the evidence to even consider a trial.  So again, ask your rep “how are you going to win at trial?”.  And don’t accept a basic answer.   They need to explain every aspect of how they can keep you driving.

“I’ll get the charge reduced for you…”

Again, sounds great, right?  This may be likely, but every single prosecutor and each court is different.  Are you getting a generic answer they give to their clients that missed a stop sign?  Ask them “How?  How are you going to get the charge reduced?”  Have them explain an exact strategy, starting with the name of the prosecutor, the way they look at Stunt charges, and the exact method they hope to achieve this result.  Remember, this is your driver’s license at risk – not theirs.

You may need the services of a Stunt law firm, not a Traffic Ticket firm

Whoever you hire, they better have a serious strategy in place based on the following:

  1. based on cases similar to yours in the same court
  2. The case must have been resolved in the past 1-2 months, because courts, prosecutors can change
  3. Best and worst case scenarios – remember the prosecutor sets the rules of the game – not your representative.  This means that a promise by your rep has no meaning until the prosecutor sets the rules of the game

A law firm deals with Provincial Prosecutors and Criminal Crowns on a regular basis.  Traffic Ticket firms do not.  Traffic Ticket firms mainly deal with Provincial Prosecutors.  So if you want  to keep driving, you will need to hire a firm that speaks the language of the Crown and has a solid strategy that they can clearly explain.  And the good news – it all starts with a free consultation, so there is no expense or risk for you to understand the strategy.  Book a call and keep your license.

What should I consider when looking for legal help for my Ontario Stunt Driving charges?

When looking for legal help for your Ontario Stunt Driving charges, you should consider hiring a law firm that specializes in Stunt Driving cases, rather than a generic 'Traffic Ticket' firm. The firm should have a serious strategy based on similar cases in the same court and be able to explain their strategy clearly. You should also ensure that the firm deals with Provincial Prosecutors and Criminal Crowns regularly, as they will have the best understanding of the laws and regulations related to Stunt Driving.

What kind of questions should I ask my potential legal representative for my Stunt Driving charges?

You should ask your potential legal representative about their strategy for your case and how they plan to get the charge reduced or win the case in court. You should not accept generic answers and ask for a detailed explanation of the exact method they hope to achieve their result. You should also ask about the best and worst case scenarios and what the rules of the game are set by the prosecutor. Additionally, you should ensure that the firm has a solid track record of success in Stunt Driving cases and can provide references from previous clients.

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About Jon Cohen, Partner

Jonathan practices exclusively in defending Stunt Driving charges in Ontario.  He is the co-founding partner of Nextlaw and is licensed by the Law Society of Ontario.

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