Pardon Canada - Do you need a lawyer to get a Pardon in Canada

Pardon Canada – Do you need a lawyer to get a Pardon in Canada?

Pardon Canada – Do you need a lawyer to get a Pardon in Canada?
  • Do you need a lawyer to get a Pardon in Canada?
  • That’s what I’m going to cover in this article.

1/ Can I do my own Pardon in Canada?

  • Full disclosure before we dig in.
  • I am a Pardon and US Waiver lawyer, but the truth is, you do not need to hire me or any lawyer to get a Pardon in Canada.
  • You don’t need to hire any Pardon service to get a Pardon.
  • So, the answer to “Can I do my own Pardon in Canada?” is yes.
  • You can do your own Pardon without the help of a lawyer or a Pardon service.

2/ Is it hard to get a Pardon in Canada?

  • Getting your Pardon application done correctly makes a Pardon hard to get.
  • The Parole Board of Canada rejects a huge number of Pardon applications because of mistakes.
  • Mistakes will cost you time and, in some cases, rejection.
  • The good news is that most mistakes are avoidable.
  • If you avoid these mistakes, then it is not hard to get a Pardon in Canada.

3/ What is the hardest part of the Pardon application?

  • It’s getting the Measurable Benefits/Sustained Rehabilitation Form right.
  • People make mistakes here because the answers are not simple.
  • You need to be honest.
  • You need to give well-thought-out answers.
  • You need to take your time to get these answers right and written in a way that will convince the Parole Board of Canada to grant your Pardon.

4/ What’s the difference between a lawyer and a Pardon service?

  • The answer is accountability.
  • Law firms are licensed by the law society and are legally accountable to clients.
  • Pardon services are not licensed by anyone.
  • In other words, there is no accountability, and that opens up the market to fraud.
  • Yes, there are good pardon service companies; however, there are a lot of scams out there.
  • Unfortunately, people get fooled by websites, advertising and consultations that look like the Canadian government approves them, but that is simply not true.
  • The Parole Board of Canada does not work with or recommend any pardon service.
  • Be very careful of fraud.

5/ What is the fastest way to get a Pardon in Canada?

  • There’s no way to jump the line to get your Pardon ahead of time.  
  • But there are 2 ways to get your Pardon as fast as possible.
  • First is to prepare early.
  • It takes up to 1 year to prepare your Record Suspension Application.
  • If you start early, then you can time your Pardon Application to be submitted on the first day you are eligible.
  • And second, make sure there are no mistakes in your application.
  • Mistakes will cost you time and, in a worst-case scenario, rejection.
Is it necessary to have a lawyer to apply for a pardon in Canada?

While it is not necessary to have a lawyer to apply for a pardon in Canada, having the assistance of a lawyer can greatly increase the chances of a successful outcome and make the process smoother and more efficient. A lawyer who has experience with pardons in Canada can help with the preparation and submission of the record suspension application.

Can I apply for a pardon in Canada on my own?

Yes, individuals are able to apply for a pardon in Canada on their own, without the assistance of a lawyer. However, the pardon process can be complex and time-consuming, and having the assistance of a professional can greatly increase the chances of a successful outcome and make the process smoother and more efficient.

Canada’s How Fast Can I Get a Pardon Test™
In 30-seconds, learn how quickly you can get a Criminal Pardon / Record Suspension in Canada.
Let's Ditch Your Criminal Record
Dan Joffe, Partner, NextLaw - US Waiver Services & DUI
Your ability to keep get a better job, travel or Immigrate to Canada depends on a proper Record Suspension application. Our law firm can change everything. Let’s discuss – FREE!
Let's Ditch Your Criminal Record

Your ability to keep get a better job, travel or Immigrate to Canada depends on a proper Record Suspension application. Our law firm can change everything. Let’s discuss – FREE!

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Dan Joffe, Pardon Lawyer

Daniel holds a JD (LLB) / MBA from Osgoode Hall Law School & the Schulich School of Business at York University, Toronto. Dan is a licensed lawyer in the Province of Ontario.

Canada’s How Fast Can I Get a Pardon Test™

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