Pardon Canada: 5 Things You Need to Know About Fingerprints

Pardon Canada: 5 Things You Need to Know About Fingerprints

Pardon Canada: 5 Things You Need to Know About Fingerprints
  • To get a Pardon in Canada, which is now called a Record Suspension, you need to get your criminal record from the RCMP.
  • And to get your criminal record, you need to submit your fingerprints.
  • Here are 5 things you need to know about getting your fingerprints taken for a Pardon or Record Suspension Application in Canada.

1/ You can get your fingerprints here

  • You can go to two places to get your fingerprints.
  • Either a local police station or you can go to a private fingerprinting service.
  • The main advantages of going to a local police service are costs; they are usually cheaper than a private fingerprinting service.
  • And, if you live outside a major city, police stations are quicker to get to compared to a private fingerprinting service.
  • The main disadvantage is time. 
  • You may need to book an appointment and wait a few days, whereas a private fingerprinting service will usually take you on the same day.

2/ Can you go to any private fingerprinting service?

  • No.  You can only go to a private fingerprinting service accredited by the RMCP.
  • Accredited means that the RMCP has approved the security and administrative operations of the private fingerprinting service.

3/ Make sure you give the proper reason

  • When you get your fingerprints, it’s important to state that you want your criminal record to get a record suspension. 
  • The service will record the fact you want your criminal record to get a Pardon in Canada.
  • And you know this step was done correctly when you get your criminal record back.
  • On the first page of your criminal record, you will see that the application type states “Record Suspension Application.”
  • If you do not see the proper application type, you will need to start the process again.

4/ Make sure the returnable address is correct

  • When you get your fingerprints taken, the service will ask for an address where you want the RCMP to send your criminal record.
  • Make sure this address is correctly entered because it cannot be changed.
  • That means the RCMP will send your criminal record to the address entered when you got your fingerprints taken.

5/ How long does it take to get your criminal record?

  • The RCMP can take up to 120 business days to process your application.
  • The actual time, however, may be much shorter.
  • Processing times vary based on the number of applications the RCMP handles at any given time and the amount of manual processing required for your request.
Canada’s How Fast Can I Get a Pardon Test™
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Let's Ditch Your Criminal Record
Dan Joffe, Partner, NextLaw - US Waiver Services & DUI
Your ability to keep get a better job, travel or Immigrate to Canada depends on a proper Record Suspension application. Our law firm can change everything. Let’s discuss – FREE!
Let's Ditch Your Criminal Record

Your ability to keep get a better job, travel or Immigrate to Canada depends on a proper Record Suspension application. Our law firm can change everything. Let’s discuss – FREE!

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Dan Joffe, Pardon Lawyer

Daniel holds a JD (LLB) / MBA from Osgoode Hall Law School & the Schulich School of Business at York University, Toronto. Dan is a licensed lawyer in the Province of Ontario.

Canada’s How Fast Can I Get a Pardon Test™

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