Record Suspension in Canada - 9 Quick FAQs

Record Suspension in Canada: 9 Quick FAQs

Record Suspension in Canada: 9 Quick FAQs
  • Here are 9 quick things you need to know about getting a Record Suspension in Canada.

1/ What is a Record Suspension in Canada?

  • A Record Suspension in Canada removes your criminal record from the criminal records database managed by the RCMP.
  • That means your background checks will come back clean without traces of your criminal activity.
  • So, when someone asks if you have a criminal record, you can legally answer “no.”
  • And, legally, no one is allowed to ask if you’ve had a criminal record for which you got a Record Suspension.

2/ Why do you want a Record Suspension in Canada?

  • A criminal record creates serious roadblocks in your life.
  • Obstacles to employment, volunteer work and travel.
  • A record suspension removes those roadblocks so you can move on with your life.

3/ Is a Record Suspension the same as a Pardon in Canada?

  • Practically yes.
  • While there are technical differences between a Record Suspension and a Pardon in Canada, the impact on your life is the same.
  • Your criminal record will be hidden from the public so you can move on with your life.

4/  How long does a Record Suspension in Canada take?

  • It can take 1 to 2 years to get a Record Suspension in Canada.
  • There are 2 buckets of timing.
  • The first is the time it takes to prepare your Record Suspension documentation.  
  • Your preparation can take up to a year.
  • The second bucket of time is the time it takes for the Parole Board of Canada to process your Record Suspension Application.
  • For less serious crimes, it takes up to 6 months.
  • For more serious crimes, it can take up to 1 year. 

5/ Can I travel to the US with a Record Suspension?

  • Maybe.
  • There is a lot of bad information on the internet about this question, so be careful what you read.
  • And a proper answer requires a more in-depth explanation which I will cover in a future video.

6/ Can a Record Suspension be revoked?

  • Yes. 
  • Your Record Suspension can be revoked in the following 3 situations.
  • One.  If you get into trouble again.
  • Two.  If you lied on your Record Suspension Application.
  • Or three, if it was found that you should never have got a Record Suspension in the first place.
  • If your Record Suspension is revoked, the Parole Board of Canada will direct the RCMP to put your criminal record back into the criminal records database.
  • That means your criminal record is no longer hidden.

7/ Who is responsible for ordering a Record Suspension?

  • The Parole Board of Canada is the only government body responsible for granting a Record Suspension.
  • The Parole Board is a federal government agency that grants Record Suspensions for criminal records throughout Canada, regardless of the province in which you were convicted.

8/ Does your criminal record clear after 7 years in Canada?

  • No, your criminal record does not clear after 7 years.
  • Practically, your criminal record will stay on your record for the rest of your life.
  • The only way to clear your record in Canada is to get a Record Suspension.

9/ What is the fastest way to get a Record Suspension in Canada?

  • Here are two quick tips to get your Record Suspension fast.
  • First, start your document preparation at least 1 year before your Record Suspension eligibility date.
  • And second, avoid mistakes on your Record Suspension Application.
  • Mistakes will cost you time and in some cases, rejection.
  • If you want tips on how to avoid mistakes on your Pardon Canada application, check out our free “Pardon Success Checklist.”  
  • It has more than 25 points of failure that you can avoid on your Record Suspension Application.
  • I’ve included a link in the description on how to get this free checklist.
Is a Record Suspension the same as a Pardon in Canada?

Practically, yes. While there are technical differences between a Record Suspension and a Pardon in Canada, the impact on your life is the same. Your criminal record will be hidden from the public, allowing you to move on with your life.

Who is responsible for ordering a Record Suspension in Canada?

The Parole Board of Canada is the only government body responsible for granting a Record Suspension. The Parole Board is a federal government agency that grants Record Suspensions for criminal records throughout Canada, regardless of the province in which you were convicted.

Canada’s How Fast Can I Get a Pardon Test™
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Let's Ditch Your Criminal Record
Dan Joffe, Partner, NextLaw - US Waiver Services & DUI
Your ability to keep get a better job, travel or Immigrate to Canada depends on a proper Record Suspension application. Our law firm can change everything. Let’s discuss – FREE!
Let's Ditch Your Criminal Record

Your ability to keep get a better job, travel or Immigrate to Canada depends on a proper Record Suspension application. Our law firm can change everything. Let’s discuss – FREE!

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Dan Joffe, Pardon Lawyer

Daniel holds a JD (LLB) / MBA from Osgoode Hall Law School & the Schulich School of Business at York University, Toronto. Dan is a licensed lawyer in the Province of Ontario.

Canada’s How Fast Can I Get a Pardon Test™

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