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Stunt Driving Reduced in Ontario

Understanding and Overcoming Stunt Driving Charges in Ontario

Caught for stunt driving or racing in Ontario? You’re not alone, and more importantly, you’re not helpless. While the radar clocking you at above 40km/h in an under 80km/h zone or 50km/h in an over 80km/h zone may seem damning, there are ways to get your stunt driving charge reduced. This can help you evade the daunting 1-3 year license suspension.

Why Reducing Stunt Driving Charges Is a Challenge

Stunt driving charges in Ontario can be tough to navigate. After all, if the radar or laser captured your excessive speed, it’s natural to think: why would you be eligible for a charge reduction? From the province’s standpoint, you’re guilty.

Yet, there are a few avenues you could explore to have your stunt driving charges reduced:

  1. Appealing to the prosecutor on your own
  2. Getting expert legal representation from a stunt driving law firm

Appeal on Your Own: Understand the Risks

Taking matters into your own hands might be tempting. But keep in mind some crucial facts:

  • You must wait until your first court appearance to set up a meeting with the prosecutor.
  • You have to scrutinize your evidence before making the call.
  • Understanding the prerequisites of case discussion is essential.
  • If the talk doesn’t go well, typically there’s no second chance. Prosecutors are busy folks.

But the crux of the matter is this – a stunt driving conviction can lead to a license suspension ranging from 1-3 years. Therefore, you should consider the risks associated with handling these charges independently. There’s a lot riding on this.

Sure, with a simple speeding charge, you’d only face a tolerable fine and some demerit points. But if your chat with the prosecutor falls flat, there won’t be any severe consequences. However, stunt driving is another ball game. A poor discussion could risk your livelihood, your ability to care for your family, and more.

The Need for Professional Legal Defence for Stunt Driving

Considering the high stakes, it’s often advisable to seek professional legal counsel. Stunt driving may seem like a ‘traffic’ charge that many overlook, but think about the potential implications. Could you manage without driving for a minimum of one year? The potential risks are steep:

  • Job loss
  • Difficulty attending job interviews
  • Challenges in taking care of your family
  • Inability to use a car for emergencies
  • Numerous other consequences

This is why tackling stunt driving charges is of utmost importance.

Reach Out to a Specialist Stunt Driving Law Firm

Enlisting the help of a dedicated law firm specialising in stunt driving can make all the difference. They can devise a strategic legal plan to prevent your license suspension.

The best part? Your initial call is free.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us, Dan Joffe or Jon Cohen. Schedule a complimentary meeting below. There’s no obligation, but this call could transform your situation. Remember, dealing with stunt driving charges correctly is crucial – your future may depend on it.

Can I reduce my Stunt Driving charge in Ontario?

There are limited ways in which a Stunt Driving charge can be reduced, such as pleading with a prosecutor on your own or getting proper legal defence from a Stunt Driving law firm. However, the best way to deal with this serious charge is to get professional legal advice from a law firm specializing in Stunt Driving.

What are the consequences of a Stunt Driving conviction?

A Stunt Driving conviction can result in a 1-3 year license suspension, which could have serious impacts on your life, such as losing your job, not being able to get to job interviews, not being able to take care of your family, and not being able to use a car for emergencies. To prevent these consequences, it is recommended to get professional legal advice from a Stunt Driving law firm.

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About Jon Cohen, Partner

Jonathan practices exclusively in defending Stunt Driving charges in Ontario.  He is the co-founding partner of Nextlaw and is licensed by the Law Society of Ontario.

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