Driving While Suspended Charge in Ontario – 1st Court Date, Don’t Do THIS
- In this article, I explain what you should NOT do when you appear in court after being charged with driving while your licence is suspended in Ontario.
✅ Drive Suspend Penalty Test – This free 30-second test will assess your Drive Suspension risks and penalties when you arrive at your first court appearance.
- So when you’ve been charged with driving while your licence is suspended in Ontario, the Police will give you a summons that requires you to attend court.
- That court date will likely be online, and you must attend.
- Now, most people that are charged with driving while under suspension believe they have a really good reason why they should not have been charged.
- For example, they didn’t know that their driver’s licence was suspended.
- Or, their licence was suspended because of a really small ticket they forgot to pay.
- Or, they drove because of an emergency.
- And the whole situation is upsetting because you face a mandatory 6-month driving suspension on a conviction.
- And, in some cases, you may be facing jail time.
- Now, many clients believe so strongly about their excuse that they want to tell their story as soon as possible.
- And they are determined to tell their story at the first court appearance.
- But, here’s the reality.
- The court will NOT let you tell your story at this first court appearance when you go before a Justice of the Peace.
- The purpose of your first court appearance is for your driving suspension charge to be legally transferred into the court system and to get your evidence.
- That’s it.
- A Justice of the Peace will then set a new court date so your case can move ahead.
- That doesn’t mean that your story is not important.
- That doesn’t mean that you won’t have the opportunity to tell your story.
- There will be a time to tell your story.
- It’s just that time is NOT your first court appearance.
- If you’ve been charged with driving with a suspended licence in Ontario, your legal strategy is critical because you’re facing a mandatory 6-month driving ban.
- And in some cases, you may be facing jail time.
- I’ve included a link below where you can book a free and confidential call with me to discuss your legal strategy.