Stunt Driving or Racing charge in Ontario, can have serious penalties at the roadside. It also has major penalties upon conviction in Ontario court. But it also has long-term insurance consequences that can last many, many years. Let’s explore.
How does a Stunt Driving conviction affect my insurance policy?
For at least a year, and possibly up to 3 years, you don’t even have to worry about insurance, because you will get a minimum 1-year license suspension, which means you cannot even drive. If you can’t drive, you can’t even have any insurance policy. So insurance is not even relevant at this point.
Insurance rates are based on the risk you pose while driving. This is based on your age, driving record, etc. With a driving suspension, you will not even be eligible to get insurance, because you are not eligible to operate a motor vehicle.
What happens after my 1-year driving suspension is over?
Now you will have to worry about getting insurance. Stunt driving is one of the most serious moving violations under the Highway Traffic Act in Ontario. Most likely, you will be considered a high-risk driver for at least 3 year after your conviction. This means that even after a 1-year suspension, you will run the risk of a massive increase in insurance, or not being able to get insured at all for many years. This would be between you and your insurance company. But generally, this would apply across the board.
Now what? Will I ever be able to get insured again?
How about this idea…do everything in your power to avoid getting convicted of Stunt Driving in Ontario. If you do not get convicted of Stunt Driving, you will not have to worry about the automatic 1-3 year license suspension, and the risk of insurance increases.
Get a free consultation from a law firm that specializes in Stunt Driving charges, so you can understand all of your options, a strategy, and keep yourself driving.
How does a Stunt Driving conviction affect my insurance policy in Ontario?
A Stunt Driving conviction in Ontario can result in a minimum 1-year license suspension, which means you cannot drive and therefore, you cannot have any insurance policy. When you are eligible to drive again, insurance rates will be based on the risk you pose as a driver, which will likely be considered high risk for at least 3 years after the conviction.
Can I ever get insured again after a Stunt Driving conviction in Ontario?
The likelihood of getting insurance and the cost of insurance after a Stunt Driving conviction will vary between insurance companies. To reduce the risk of high insurance rates or difficulty in getting insured, it is recommended to avoid getting convicted of Stunt Driving in Ontario. Consult with a law firm specializing in Stunt Driving charges to understand your options and to develop a strategy.