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Stunt Driving in Ontario - Risks in Community Safety Zones

Stunt Driving in Ontario: Risks in Community Safety Zones (CSZ)

As a law firm focusing on stunt driving charges under section 172(1) of the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario, we often encounter cases that highlight the severe consequences of this offence, particularly when committed in community safety zones. These designated areas, typically found near schools, daycare centers, playgrounds, hospitals, and senior citizen residences, are established to protect vulnerable road users such as children, the elderly, and patients. When stunt driving occurs in these zones, the legal ramifications are significantly more severe, reflecting the heightened risk to public safety.

Understanding Stunt Driving and Community Safety Zones

Stunt driving in Ontario encompasses a range of dangerous driving behaviours, including excessive speeding, racing, and performing vehicle stunts. Specifically, driving 40 km/h or more over the speed limit in zones under 80 km/h or 50 km/h over in zones with 80 km/h or higher limits falls under this category. Additionally, any speed of 150 km/h or faster, regardless of the posted limit, is considered stunt driving.

Community safety zones are areas where public safety is of particular concern. These zones are typically established near:

  • Schools
  • Daycare centers
  • Playgrounds
  • Hospitals
  • Senior citizen residences

Understanding Stunt Driving and Community Safety Zones

The designation of these zones reminds drivers to exercise extra caution and deter behaviours that could put vulnerable populations at risk. When stunt driving occurs in these areas, the offence is viewed as particularly egregious due to the potential consequences for pedestrians, especially children and the elderly.

Penalties and Legal Consequences

The penalties for stunt driving in a community safety zone are substantially more severe than those for regular stunt driving offences. Immediate roadside penalties include a 30-day driver’s license suspension and a 14-day vehicle impoundment. Upon conviction, drivers face a minimum fine of $2,000, which can increase up to $10,000, plus a 25% victim surcharge fee. The financial impact extends beyond fines, as insurance premiums can increase by up to 100% for three years or more.

License suspensions for stunt driving convictions in community safety zones are particularly harsh. A first conviction can result in a suspension of 1 to 3 years, while subsequent convictions lead to progressively longer suspensions, potentially resulting in a lifetime ban for repeat offenders. Additionally, 6 demerit points are added to the driver’s record, and up to 6 months of jail time is possible.

Court Perspective and Legal Defenses

Courts take a particularly stern view of stunt driving offences committed in community safety zones. Judges consider the increased risk to vulnerable populations and often interpret such actions as demonstrating a blatant disregard for public safety. The complex environment of these zones, which usually includes frequent pedestrian crossings and school buses, demands excellent care from drivers. Engaging in stunt driving in such areas is viewed as exceptionally reckless.

Defending against these charges requires a nuanced approach. Strategies may include:

  • Challenging the accuracy of speed measurement devices.
  • Examining the proper designation and signage of the community safety zone.
  • Investigating the calibration of speed detection equipment.

Constitutional challenges, such as exploring potential violations of Charter rights during the stop-and-arrest process, may also be considered. Presenting mitigating factors, such as an otherwise clean driving record or demonstrating remorse, can be crucial in negotiating with the prosecution or seeking leniency from the court.

Long-Term Implications and Prevention

A conviction for stunt driving in a community safety zone can have far-reaching consequences beyond the immediate legal penalties. It can severely impact employment opportunities, especially in fields that require driving. International travel, particularly to the United States, may be complicated by such a conviction. The insurance implications are significant, with drivers potentially labelled high-risk, making it difficult to obtain affordable coverage for years.

Preventing stunt driving in community safety zones is crucial for public safety. Key strategies include:

  • Enhanced public education about the dangers of stunt driving and the unique nature of these zones
  • Increased signage and visibility of community safety zone boundaries
  • Implementation of traffic calming measures in these areas
  • Regular enforcement blitzes to catch and deter potential offenders

The legal system treats stunt driving in Ontario’s community safety zones with the utmost severity. The combination of dangerous driving behaviours in areas frequented by vulnerable populations results in some of the harshest penalties under Ontario traffic law. Drivers must be acutely aware of their surroundings, especially in designated community safety zones, and adhere strictly to posted speed limits and traffic regulations. For those facing such charges, the stakes are incredibly high, underscoring the importance of seeking experienced legal representation to navigate the complexities of these cases and work towards the best possible outcome.

What are community safety zones in Ontario?

Community safety zones are designated areas near schools, playgrounds, hospitals, and senior residences where driving offenses, like stunt driving, carry more severe penalties to protect vulnerable populations.

What are the penalties for stunt driving in a community safety zone?

Penalties for stunt driving in a community safety zone include a 30-day license suspension, 14-day vehicle impoundment, fines up to $10,000, increased insurance rates, and potential jail time.

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About Jon Cohen, Partner

Jonathan practices exclusively in defending Stunt Driving charges in Ontario.  He is the co-founding partner of Nextlaw and is licensed by the Law Society of Ontario.

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